Radiant Wu

吴,炜 I think "炜(wei)" should be translated as radiant.

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Education Experience

Pacemaker to merit student

Ph.D. 2024.7-?
BDBA, College of Future Technology, Peking University(PKU)
Major in Biomedical Engineering
Beijing, China

Intern 2023.3-2023.7
NELVT, School of Computer Science, Peking University(PKU)
Beijing, China

B.S. 2020.9-2024.7
School of Engineering Sciences, Huazhong University of Science and Technology(HUST)
Major in Biomedical Engineering GPA: 3.99/4.00
Wuhan, China

About Me

I'll receive the B.S. degree at HUST, working with Prof. Shangbin Chen.
I am currently engaged in research work at BDBA, PKU, working with Prof. Jinzhuo Wang.
I had a four month internship experience at CS, PKU, working with Prof. Shanghang Zhang.
I focus on using Machine Learning to solve practical problems, especially in the field of biomedicine.


The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM) Finalist

Pacemaker to Merit Student Undergraduate Highest Honor
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National Scholarship

Outstanding Undergraduates in Term of Academic Performance, HUST
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radiantwu [at] 163 [dot] com radiantwu@163.com
Peking University, No.5 Yiheyuan Rd., Beijing, China

